Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Run update....

I bought the ugliest shoes I have ever purchased in my life yesterday. And they were $100. I, JennWill, purchased shoes for comfort rather then aesthetic. Its a novel concept.

Running shoes, I finally got my running shoes! YAY, I'm a runner now. If being a runner means owning running shoes.

Also, running outside SUCKS monkey balls. The shoes really help and make all the difference in the world though. Shin splints weren't as much of a problem, I just need to get my breath under control...Its getting there. We are 12 weeks away!

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Good stuff...

So I have been a running fool ya'll! I made the mistake of taking my skinny friend's personal experience of being able to eat anything she wants and still remain skinny during her marathon training to heart for myself.

Is it tragic that my life's dream is to be slim and trim while eating pasta with alfredo sauce on a nightly basis? So hearing her say that she gets to carbo load with no repercussions fed right into my food porn addiction.

Seriously I have a food porn problem. Top Chef: Just Desserts. I almost have to watch it alone. Have you seen this mess? Gorgeous confections all dolled up, under flattering lighting and money shot camera angles...Ay dios mio. I always leave that show wanting a donut.

Apparently all this sweating is doing some wonders for my skin, it has been looking fab lately! And surprise of all surprises my cut is growing out really cute albeit a little asymmetrical...sa sa sa salt and pepas here! I do have to figure out something about all this sweating my hair out situation. I put it in a tight ponytail to keep the roots from growing too much. But somehow the sweat just ends up wicked onto the ponytail holder, and my hair just wet...Fortunately it ends up cute when I curl it. But all this curling and slaving over my curling iron is for the birds. Back to the weave I go!

Anyway wanted to let you know the update on the running. I am learning to be patient with my progress but am happy with where I am at right now. Plus when I was taking a shower and flexed my leg to shave it I saw that thigh running muscle looking almost defined!! Aww ish, let me find out I got some visible muscles in my leg (I only verfied one, so I can't say plural legs)!!!