Monday, September 22, 2008


As some of you may know I like cleavage. I am fortunate enough to have an ample supply and from time to time (read: pretty much all the time excluding church) I like to "display" if you will that with which I have been blessed. I was recently told by a good christian man that I had been blessed by God, as he fell face first into the ravine that is my ample bossom. I was amused.

Over the weekend an acquantince mentioned that he was sorting his photos and came across photos of me from the very same night-his roommate then chimed in..."I knew I recognized you from somewhere". The evening we had this conversation I was all covered up, "modest" as I like to call it. As I explained my modesty, my acquaintence replied, "You can't hide a table with a table cloth." Brilliant. He and I are now friends, and this is my favorite quote. As he explained there are many variations of the same point-you can't hide a bed with a sheet, you can't hide a circus with a tent, etc, etc, etc. I love them all...the circus might be my second favorite.

The next night we went to one of my favorite hangouts-The Abbey. For new readers/non LA readers, The Abbey is this beautiful gay bar in West Hollywood (AKA-Boys Town), and Sunday is black night at the Abbey. Less techno and more hip hop is played, and black men are in more then usual abundance. My girls and I agreed that it was an incredibly sad night. This was the largest grouping of sexy, tall, black men we had ever seen in LA in one place at one time (this might be a slight exaggeration the UCLA Reggaefest is pretty prime as well). All of them dressed to the nines, bodies of perfection, some manicured to a fault others looking more manly then the straightest of straight men. It was a sight to behold. And explained the lack of tall, sexy men at my hetero clubs...sigh. Despite the sadness of it all, it was fun...people watching at its best. I'm only confused by the amazingly convincing transvestites and/or cross dressers...if you want to be a woman why are you here seeking a gay man...I guess its because they still have the parts but its still a point of confusion for me. But I guess its none of my business, and none of my concern. I just gotta make sure that I don't end up on a date with someone I recognize from the Abbey.

All in all it was a lovely weekend...I'm watching "Raising the Bar" on TNT, and the guy who played Ricki on "My So Called Life", is on the show...and he looks AMAZING! I mean he is still tiny and super gay, but he looks good!


GemisMyName said...

This is absolutely hilarious! Yes celebrate your ample blessings. I followed your blog from TC Golden. Thanks for the witty candor.


T.a.c.D said...

That's it! I need to figure out where the gay men hang out and go there so that i don't get caught like you, i LOVE to people watch and i totally think that the experience would be fab