Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Come to Jesus...

After my bootcamp class workout this morning I was talking to the trainer changing my credit card info b/c apparently I have been shopping so little lately that a trip to costco, some clothes, and some gas all in the same day sent my bank to suspect fraud and halt my account...for the SECOND TIME in one month. Le Sigh...Can I live Bank of America, can I breathe?

Anyhow the trainer was basically like you COULD have an incredible body if you would stop Bs'ing! (he said it much more diplomatically and complimentary but this was the main point) I work out hard, I could stand to be more consistent but clearly the issue is what I'm doing outside the gym. So what am I doing outside the gym???

I've been having a torrid and ongoing affair with Vodka since 2002. I love it. It loves me. Who am I kidding, I've been seeing its friends Red Wine, Whiskey and Hennessy as well. *for shame*.

While I have cut back from my alcohol consumption, apparently its not enough to make a difference in my weight loss/video vixen body status.

So this morning my trainer took it upon himself to have a come to Jesus meeting with him re: what the heck I'm doing with my fitness life. Its fair. He is interested in my results both as the architect of my new bod and also as someone who would eventually like to get his hands on it.

But it did jog me back to the reality of what is the point of all this working out if I'm just going to drink away any possible gains I might be making. So he has made the personal training offer, and a diet to follow for 30 days (he'd prefer 45) to see if his way works better than mine. I know that he is right, and that if I followed his directions that I would lose weight...I just don't want to spend the rest of my life only eating brown rice and then exercising like a maniac to work off said rice. But if my body looks like Anowa Adjah (The fit Nigerian or Thick healthy-whatever she calls herself) while I'm eating and then promptly feeling guilty for that rice, won't I be too busy thinking how sexy I am to care? These are the questions.

Me being a teacher's pet, having someone that I respect and that I am contractually bound to see for the next 6 months hold me responsible for my weight loss is very motivating. Hopefully this little talk will get me going in a legitimately positive direction.


Anonymous said...

I used to have a trainer who told me that weight was was 70% what you eat.


I'm not too good with food restrictions (which is why weight watchers is the only thing that works for me), but I am interested to see how your trainer's nutritional plan works for you - keep me updated!

jendayi said...

So... What's your status now? I see this was written in August? How is your relationship with both the trainer and vodka (hennessy and whiskey)?

Jenn Will said...

Lol @ Jendi.

Me and the trainer are still seeing each other, and I am still seeing Vodka, Hennessy and Whiskey (aka: The Boys) as well!

I discovered that for me to LOSE weight, I have to stop drinking. But once its lost I can go back to drinking, as long as I keep up the exercise and eating decently. So the weight I lost while giving up The Boys is still off. And I know that if I cut out alcohol again for a while I will lose more and can still have The Boys back later on.

So all my relationships are being happily nurtured!